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Writing a Formal Email
In the information age, email has become the dominant form of communication. Being able to
write a polished, professional email is now a critical skill both in college and the workplace.
Below are some key distinctions between formal and informal writing, as well as some
guidelines to follow when composing a formal email to a superior (professor, current or
prospective employer, etc.) or someone who does not know you.
Informal vs. Formal
Written to friends and family
Accuracy and grammar (spelling and punctuation) are not important
You can make up your own rules
Hi Anne,
I miss you so much! Can’t wait to see you on Friday!! We haven’t hung out in so long! I miss
my bestie! Maybe we can go to the movies or dinner or just chill and watch TV and catch
up…idc, whichever you want.
Love ya,
Written to a professor, colleague, boss, etc.
Must always be professional

The great accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas of enthusiasm. | Thomas J. Watson