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Brevard College
Leadership Scholarship Application
Please print:
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City____________________________________________ State __________________ Zip _______________________
Home Phone ____________________ Cell Phone ____________________ E-mail _____________________________
Anticipated Major _______________________________ High School ________________________________________
Hometown Newspaper _______________________________________________________________________________
In the space below, please list any honors, awards, positions, memberships, activities, or community service
projects that you believe demonstrate your qualities as a leader. You may attach an additional page or resumé.
Leadership Scholarship Essay
Essay: How will your experiences as a leader connect to the mission statement of Brevard College?
Mission Statement: Brevard College is committed to an experiential liberal arts education that encourages personal growth
and inspires artistic, intellectual and social action.
Instructions: On the following page, please complete your Leadership Scholarship essay (not to exceed 500 words) and submit it with your
Leadership Scholarship Application. You may attach additional pages as necessary or email a word document.
o Submit an essay (not to exceed 500 words) on how your experiences as a leader connect to the mission statement
Brevard College.
o Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) beginning January 1 at or
complete the financial aid estimator at
o Confirm your attendance on Leadership Scholarship Day by calling 1-800-527-9090 or by contacting David Volrath at
Signature of Applicant Date
All Leadership Scholarship applicants must be accepted for admission to Brevard College, must complete all Leadership Scholarship application
materials, and must participate in a Leadership Scholarship interview. Submit your scholarship application materials via email or mail to Brevard
College, Attn: David Volrath, One Brevard College Drive, Brevard, NC 28712 or email For questions regarding
your admissions status or Leadership Scholarship materials, contact David Volrath at 1-800-527-9090 or e-mail

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. | Albert Einstein