Copyright 2014 Your Family Ark LLC
www.TheProvidentPrepper.org www.YourFamilyArk.org
Action Plan – Personal Safety
This worksheet is designed to help readers develop a personal safety action plan using
information provided in Chapter 19 (Personal Safety – Don’t Mess with Me!) of The Provident
Prepper: A Common-Sense Guide to Preparing for Emergencies.
The surest way to stay safe is to avoid dangerous situations all together. However, that
may not always be possible. It is critical to know how to defend yourself, build physical skills,
and be skilled using the weapons of your choice.
What are your personal protection goals? Train each member of your family in a self-
defense program that is appropriate for individual ages, mental and physical abilities. Which
weapons will work in your budget and circumstances? Carefully evaluate your situation and
develop a realistic action plan. Work on it regularly and keep up those skills!
Personal Safety and Security Action Plan