DentaQuest Institute | 2400 Computer Drive, Westborough, MA 01581
Broken Appointment Policy
We have more patients who need dental care than we have room in our daily schedule
to provide. When a patient does not show up for their appointment or cancels too close
to their scheduled time, we are unable to fill this appointment time with another
patient who desperately needs dental care. This policy is our attempt to ensure that
both you and our other patients receive the dental care that you need.
Broken Appointments: Patients are only allowed ONE broken appointment in a 12
month time period.
Broken appointments are any time you are scheduled for an appointment and
you do not show for that appointment.
Late cancelations are considered broken appointments. If you need to cancel
your appointment, we ask that you please call us at least 24 hours before your
appointment time.
Late arrivals are also considered broken appointments. If you do not arrive by 10
minutes after the start time of your appointment, it will be given to another
Appointment Confirmation: You must call to confirm your appointment the business day
before. Our practice closes at 5:00pm. It is your responsibility to call. If you do not call
to confirm at least 24 hours before the start of your appointment, we will give your
appointment away to another patient. This will be considered a broken appointment.
If for any reason, a patient misses their appointment or cancels late for a second time
within a 12 month period, they will not be scheduled another appointment. However,
these patients are still welcome to receive their dental care from us. Patients who have
broken two appointments with us can either call us in the morning for a “same day
appointment,” or they may come to our clinic as a “walk-in patient.” We always do our
best to work our walk-in patients into the schedule as long as it does not interfere with
the care of previously scheduled patients; but please understand there is no guarantee
that you will receive an appointment as a “walk-in.”
Patient Signature