Recertification Requirements
Individuals who have earned their CPSM
designation are required to
be recertified every three years. To be recertified, applicants must earn
60 Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) during their current certificate
period. At least two-thirds of the points must be educational in nature.
One-third may be earned in the professional contributions category.
Please submit your application for recertification no earlier than 120
days prior to the expiration date on your current certificate.
CEHs may be earned in the following categories:
1. College Courses (Taken or Taught)
2. Continuing Education (Taken or Taught)
3. Contributions to the Profession
4. ISM Examinations
Lifetime status is not offered for the CPSM
ISM administers the program for the profession and the public.
Membership in ISM is not a requirement to earn or retain the CPSM
Regular or Rush Processing
Regular Service — You will receive either a letter of congratu lations and
certificate or a request for additional information approximately
four to six weeks after ISM receives your application.
Rush Service — Within two working days of receiving your application,
a telephone call or e-mail will advise you of the status of your
application. A letter of congratulations and CPSM
certificate are
mailed within ten business days after approval of the application. Mark
rush service on the application form and include both fees.
E-Mail: certification@instituteforsupplymanagement.org
Call: 800.888.6276 or +1.480.752.6276
Certified Professional in Supply
Application for
For use with applications beginning March 2, 2015.
Application Checklist
❑ APPLICATION FEES and SIGNATURE — Have you included the
required application fee and additional fees, if any? Did you read
the ethics statement and sign the application?
❑ CONTINUING EDUCATION — Is a copy of a transcript included?
Did you include the appropriate documen tation for each program/
course attended?
❑ EXAMINATIONS (if applicable) — Are copies of test score reports
❑ DOCUMENT RETENTION — Did you make copies of all
documents submitted? ISM will not return documents sent with