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Overseas Domestic Worker
Employment contract
Two copies of this form must be completed and signed by the employer and the overseas
domestic worker and submitted with the entry clearance application or with the leave to
remain application as required by paragraphs 159A(v), 159D(iv), 159EA(iii),
245ZO(f)(ii), and 245ZQ(e)(ii) of the Immigration Rules.
1. Name & address of Employee
[insert details]
2. Name & address of Employer
[insert details]
3. Commencement of Employment & Termination
1. [If for an indefinite term]
[The Employee’s employment with the Employer commence[s OR d] on [insert
date], and will continue unless or until terminated in accordance with the provisions of this
[If for a fixed term]
[The Employee’s employment with the Employer shall [commence OR be
deemed to have commenced] on [insert date] and shall continue, subject to the
remaining terms of this agreement, until it terminates on [insert date] without the
need for notice unless previously terminated by either party giving the other not less
than [insert number*] weeks/months' notice in writing.]
* Note: the notice to be given by the Employer must not be less than the
statutory minimum period of notice to be given by employers, which is as
- during the first two years’ continuous employment, one week’s notice; and
- after that, one additional week for each year of service, up to a maximum of twelve
weeks' notice.
2. No employment with a previous employer counts as part of a period of continuous
employment. OR The Employee’s employment with [insert name of previous
employer] forms part of a continuous period of employment which began on [insert

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