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Call Salvation Army for pick up of
unwanted clothes.
Decide on your approximate move date.
Arrange to have a United Moving
Consultant perform your estimate.
Be sure to give your Moving Consultant
your AIR MILES® collector number.
Transfer or resign club memberships.
Ask your Moving Consultant for a
NEW HORIZONS package of added
value products/services. Also request
a "Neighborhoods" kit to acquaint you
with your new community. Both are
free of charge.
Do not pack documents connected
with your move.
Review with your doctor the names
and dosages of any medications that
are renewable.
Schedule farewell visits with family
and friends.
Notify your post office. Find out your
new postal code. Send change of
address cards.
Arrange to have utilities disconnected.
Arrange for temporary cellular service.
Write or phone the utility companies at
destination to arrange services to be
connected as soon as you move in.
Request the phone company at destination
to connect service before you arrive.
Ask your bank to transfer your accounts
to the branch nearest your new home.
If you are paying for your own move,
you will need to pay by preauthorized
payment via credit card or a certified
Arrange for a safety deposit box at the
new location. You may want to leave
the contents in your present box until
one becomes available at destination.
Never pack valuables. Keep money,
jewellry and bonds with you or arrange
for a courier service to transport them.
Transfer fire, theft and other insurance.
Check your policy to see whether a
long-distance move is covered.
Ask your United Moving Consultant for
a Welcome Wagon card and mail it so
that a hostess can welcome you in
your new city.
Check your "to do" list. Call your
Moving Consultant with any questions.
Ask your Moving Consultant for a
"Destination Member Contact Card."
This specifies the name and phone
number of your Destination Member.
Prepare a floor plan of your new home
and make extra copies. They will be
very helpful for moving in.
Plan a going-away party for your
children and their friends.
If you plan to do some of the packing,
start now. Ask your Moving Consultant
for a copy of our Do-It-Yourself Packing
Guide. Carefully read our booklet
"Handling Dangerous Goods"; it explains
which items cannot be included in your
shipment. Ask your Public Works
department about disposal of toxic
Plan menus to use up stocks of
canned and frozen foods.
Collect items being cleaned, repaired,
stored and loaned to friends.
Return library books.
Arrange care for young children and
pets during the busy days of packing,
loading and moving in.
Before Pack day
Keep separate any food, plates and
utensils that you will need during the
last days.
Pack them on moving day.
Prepare a list of items you’ll need
immediately at destination, such as a
flashlight, light bulbs, toilet paper, cleaning
supplies, snacks and drinks. Pack these
last and unload them first, along with
necessities such as the crib or playpen.
Drain fuel from the lawnmower and other
machinery. Safely dispose of all gasoline,
matches, paints, aerosol cans listed in our
booklet Handling Dangerous Goods.
Confirm hotel/ motel reservations for
your trip.
Organize all of your moving and travel
documents as well as the valuables
you will be taking with you.
Set aside and label items such as
luggage that you do not want packed
or moved.
Pack the phone book, it will be very
useful after your move.
Take down curtains, blinds, rods,
shelves. Unfasten any fixed carpets that
are to be moved. The mover does not
perform these tasks
Countdown Calendar

A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. | Richard Branson