HTML Preview Daily Self Study Checklist page number 1.

The following checklist should be used by the steering committee to ensure that the appropriate
materials are prepared and finalized. This checklist should be given to the chair of the visiting
team and included in the self-study materials
If self-study materials are not available for timely distribution to the members of the visiting
team or are of a quality that precludes their effective use by the visiting team, the Accreditation
visit will be postponed or canceled.
I. School and Community Summary
School and Community Summary completed and uploaded in portal
Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations completed and
uploaded in portal
II. Standards for Accreditation
All conclusions, explanations and evidence, executive summaries
with ratings, strengths, and needs completed, approved by faculty
and uploaded in portal
III. Major Areas of Strength and Need
Statement of major areas of strengths and needs completed and
approved by faculty, and uploaded in portal
IV. Two-Year and Five-Year Plan
Two-Year and Five-Year Plan completed and uploaded in portal
V. Other Documents to Upload in the Portal (or provide to the chair)
Endicott College survey
Criteria for success (e.g. rubrics) of the school’s learning
Program of studies
Bell and daily class schedule
Letter of welcome from school officials
Floor plan of the building
List of emergency phone numbers (school, local hospital, etc.)
Directions to the school and hotel
Completed self-study checklist
VI. Coordinate with the chair
Selection of teachers to be interviewed on Sunday
Selection of students to be shadowed
Selection of students to lead facility tour on Monday
Small group meetings
Student guides
The Chair’s Preliminary Visit Checklist

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. | Vidal Sassoon