Greenville Caregiver Job Description 1
Greenville Public School District
Job Description
Title: Caregiver
Qualifications: Must meet qualifications set by the District
Reports To: Superintendent of Education, the Deputy Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, Supervising
Teacher, and other designated supervisor
Job Goal: To assist the classroom teacher in providing personal care for physically disabled students so they
will be able to receive a free and appropriate public education in their least restrictive environment.
The caregiver is not to be utilized as an intervention or instructional aide.
Professional Responsibilities
• Maintains the same high level of ethical behavior and confidentiality of information about students as is expected
of fully licensed teachers
• Participates in in-service training programs as assigned
• Follows school board policy and school rules and regulations
• Assists with the following:
o Change of clothing
o Getting on and off the bus in the morning and afternoon
o Field trips
o Feeding
o Transferring students within the building (class-to-class, cafeteria, etc.)
o Gathering materials and supplies for the students while in the classroom
o Supervision on the bus
Classroom Management
• Operates and cares for equipment used in the classroom for instructional purposes
• Assists teacher in maintaining neat work and study areas
Student Support and Supervision
• Works with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce learning of material! or skills initially
introduced by the teacher
• Assists with the supervision of children during class periods
• Serves as an effective role model for the students by providing a positive image for the school and/or district
Teacher Support
• Alerts the regular teacher to any problem or special information about individual students
• Works with the classroom teacher in providing an effective educational program for students
• Performs others duties as assigned by the Principal, Assistant Principal, Supervising Teacher,
Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and other supervisor
Terms of Employment: Salary and work year will be established by the Board.
Evaluation: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's
policy on Evaluation of Support Services Personnel.