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Corporate Partnership Proposal Form
Business Name:
Your Name and Title:
Full Mailing Address:
Phone: Fax:
E-mail: Web site:
What is the nature of your business?
When was your business established? Number of employees?
Please list any past experience(s) with other charities:
Why have you chosen Komen as the beneciary of your promotion?
Are you currently partnered with your local Komen for the Cure Afliate? q Yes q No
If yes, which ones and how? _
Contact Information and Company Background
Promotion Details
Please describe your product or service involved in the promotion.
Add additional pages if necessary.
What is the suggested price of the product or service?
Where will the product or service be sold or offered ? q U.S. q Canada q U.S. Territories and/or
q International, if so where
When will your promotion selling period begin and end?
When will the product(s) be available at retail?
What is the number of units you will be producing?
Will you sell through the following outlets? q Company Store q Franchises q Other Retailers q Catalogs q Online and/or
q Other, please explain
How will you promote the promotion?
Will Komen be the sole beneciary of this promotion? q Yes q No
If not, please list the other charities or beneciaries
If you would prefer to sell your product only on
please e-mail
[email protected] for more information on product submission.
continued on next page
Fast Facts
A contract is
required to use
the Susan G.
Komen for the
name, logo,
Running Ribbon
or any of our other
Some promotions
are better
suited as local
promotions. We
have more than
120 Afliates in the
U.S. and abroad
and would be
happy to refer you
to the appropriate
Afliate for
Although Komen
for the Cure is
the beneciary of
proceeds through
its partnerships,
we, including our
Afliates, have no
ability to sell or
distribute products
for our partners.
Komen for the
Cure may publicly
acknowledge its
corporate partners,
but because of
our non-prot
status, we cannot
advertise for
our partners or
promote our
partners’ products
or services.

Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. | Unknown