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Attendance Policy
Updated December 2007
1 | P a g e R e v i s e d 12/1 1 / 2 0 0 7
The purpose of this policy is to establish a uniform procedure within Western Connecticut State University
(hereafter referred to as the “University”) for the review and control of employee absenteeism. It is the intent of
the policy to encourage good employee attendance as an insurance policy against an extended illness, and provide
employees and supervisors with guidelines defining acceptable and unacceptable attendance for performance
purposes, including service rating. This policy is also designed to provide supervisory personnel with a uniform
and consistent program for dealing with attendance deficiencies and other attendance related issues.
This policy applies to all Classified (Maintenance, Clerical, Protective Services, and Administrative & Residual),
SUOAF, and Management/Confidential Employees.
Failure to report for duty at the time scheduled and/or failure to return to duty promptly at any
point during the normal schedule (lunch, breaks, etc.).
Unauthorized Leave
Failure to report an absence of any duration according to this policy or to leave or
be absent from the worksite without proper authorization.
Failure to report to work or to remain at work as scheduled, regardless of reason. This
includes tardiness, unauthorized leave, unanticipated use of sick leave, and emergency use of any accrued
leave. Absenteeism does not include appropriately scheduled leave such as vacation, personal leave,
compensatory leave, military leave, medical leave, medical appointments, maternity or other long-term
medical leaves.
Occasion of Absence
One continuous period of absence for the same reason and/or a period of
absenteeism related to a single cause. A medical certificate is required to support non-consecutive absences
related to the same cause if they are to be counted as a single occasion.
Abuse of Sick Leave
Use of sick leave for reasons other than those defined under Personnel Policies for
Management and Confidential Professional Personnel (hereafter referred to as “Management/Confidential
Personnel Policies”), appropriate bargaining unit contract provisions, or State Personnel Regulations. Abuse
of sick leave includes, but is not limited to: 1) Falsely reporting that sick leave is being used for that
purposes; 2) Excessive absenteeism; or 3) Failure to provide medical documentation supporting an
Medical Certificate
The form prescribed by the State Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and
signed by a licensed physician or other practitioner whose method of healing is recognized by the State and
is acceptable to the University.
Attendance at the level of “good” or better is the basic performance standard at the University. Employees who
routinely exceed this expectation should be commended on an annual basis by making a notation on the
employee’s evaluation or service rating.

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