HTML Preview International Standard Cv Format page number 1.

A curriculum vitae (a.k.a. “vita” or “CV”), like a resumé, is used as a marketing tool to provide key
information about your skills, education, and experience to a potential employer. In this country a
CV is typically used to apply for academic, research, and some educational administration
positions. It is longer than a resume and displays academic credentials and accomplishments in
greater detail. A CV for a young professional can be 2 4 pages in length while a CV for a veteran
professional may be 6 8 pages long.
Please note: You may be asked to write a curriculum vitae for international employment. This type
of CV is different from the American CV. Please refer to our International Employment handout for
more information on applying for jobs overseas.
The CV should look well organized and be easy to read quickly. Use blank space between sections
and leave 1” margins on all four edges. Use CAPITALS, underlines, bold print and bullets to
highlight and call attention to important points. Make the most important information stand out on
the left side of the page. Your finished CV should be typed or printed on one side of the page on
good quality, standard 8.5 x 11 resume paper that is white or off-white. It is acceptable to staple the
pages in the upper left hand corner.
Begin with identifying information:
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Worcester, MA 01610
(508) 793-5555

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