Tenant Information Sheet
(Information needed to prepare rental agreement for an individual tenant)
Please fill in the following information so we can prepare your rental agreement. Please print legibly.
1. Your name
last name first name initial
2. Your mailing address for all notices
(P.O. Box or street address, city, state, and zip)
3. Date of Birth
4. Cell Phone Home Phone
5. Work Phone Fax
6. Employer’s Name Military? Stationed where?
7. Driver’s License No. State: Expiration:
8. Other Photo ID if you have no driver’s license (describe type)
9. E-mail address (if any)
10. Access rights for others. List other person(s) you want specifically named in the rental agreement as
having access rights to the space, i.e. other persons who may break your lock on the storage unit (if
necessary) to gain entry and to whom we may give a facility access code without us having to check with
tenant for authorization.
(1) Name Work & Home Phones
(2) Name Work & Home Phones
11. Emergency Contacts. List other person(s) who we may contact in an emergency (fire, flood, missing
lock, etc.). Do not list persons living with you. These persons may have access under very limited
circumstances (affidavit of death, incarceration, permanently missing, or permanently incapacitated).
(1) Name Work & Home Phones
(2) Name Work & Home Phones
12. Vehicle License State:
13. Any other addresses you may have (PO Boxes or street addresses)
14. Generally describe what will be stored
(see list of what cannot be stored)
15. How did you find out about us?
□ Yellow Pages which one?
□ Drove by
□ Newspaper
□ Coupon
□ Mailer
□ Friend Who may we thank?
NOTICE: For security purposes a photocopy of tenant’s driver’s license may be required, at the facility owner’s
Date Signature