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Some Ideas for Wedding Scripts by Julie D. Wirtz
Humanistic Style Wedding Ceremony with Leis and Sand
We are gathered here today to join Groom and Bride in marriage. Love is life’s
greatest treasure and to embrace it wholeheartedly in the here and now is one of
the most life affirming experiences a human can have. What the two of you have is
so good that you desire to spend the rest of your lives together.
So we have set aside this time, here in this beautiful setting, to make your
relationship permanent and official, with the highest promises of love and devotion
two people can make to each other.
The promises made here today will mingle with the gentle breeze, to be carried by
the wind, to echo in the mountains, become absorbed into the earth, sea and sky, so
that your marriage vows will follow you, wherever you go in life, as a constant
sweet whisper of comfort and security.
Optional Lei Greeting
In Hawaii, it’s customary for a bride and groom to greet each other with a lei and a
kiss of aloha on their wedding day. You have chosen these two leis to adorn each
other with in celebration of your wedding.
Groom, as you place this lei over Bride’s head and shoulders with a kiss of aloha,
you are welcoming her into your heart, your home, your life, your family, and
greeting her as your partner in the continuation of your lives together.
Bride, as you place this lei over Groom’s head and shoulders, you are welcoming
him into your heart, your home, your life, your family, and inviting him to be your
partner through the continuation of your lives together.
This is a permanent invitation, that stands long after these flowers wither and dry,
and the words we speak here drift off into the winds of time. For the memory and
meaning of this ceremony today will linger as a sweet embrace and affects your life
from this moment forward.
Notice how the beautiful flower lei would fall apart if it were not for the fine thread
holding it together. Your marriage is like the thread, in that it may not be your
main focus, as you enjoy your daily life together, but you know it’s there quietly
holding you together safely and securely.
Preface to the Vows
Bride and Groom, today we are recognizing your special connection. You have
similarities in your values, passions and personalities. This creates a rich
foundation for your marriage; one based on genuine friendship, loyalty, humor,
and the sense of well being and acceptance you have when you’re together.

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