April 2006
Co-op Connections
Brought to you by Oneida-Madison Electric Cooperative Inc.
Name of Business: ______________________________________________________________________
Category (circle one): Sports Lodging Restaurant Retail Other: ____________________
Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Contact Title: __________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________
Business Hours: ________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Fax: _________________________________________________________________________________
By signing this Contract I, as the above-named business (“Business”), agree to be a participating Co-op Connections
business and will give discounts to all Co-op Connections Cardholders as noted in the Co-op Connections brochure. I can
provide whatever discount I want, as long as it is something that provides a real economic value to Cardholders. I have
chosen the discount described below. I will continue to offer this discount (or a better discount) for a minimum of one
year, unless my local cooperative, Oneida-Madison Electric Cooperative Inc.,(“Local Co-op”) terminates this Contract
as provided below or Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, Inc. (“Touchstone Energy”) either terminates the Co-op
Connections program or Local Co-op’s participation in the program. This Contract is effective from the day I return a
signed copy until the day it is terminated as described below.
Check here if your business would like this agreement to automatically renew at the end of one year unless
either party terminates this contract.
Discount offered to Co-op Connections cardholders: __________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________ Date ____________________________
Please return this to:
Lisa Donaldson
Oneida-Madison Electric Cooperative Inc.
6630 Route 20
Bouckville, NY 13310
After we receive your signed contract, we will mail your participating Co-op Connections package, which includes a
window sticker to display in your business helping to identify you as a participating business.
ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. This Contract is between You and Local Co-op. Neither
Touchstone Energy nor any Touchstone Energy® Cooperative (“Co-op” or “Co-ops”) is liable for financial or
contractual responsibilities of holders of the Co-op Connections Card (“Card”). Further, nothing in this
Contract shall be construed to establish a joint venture, partnership, agency, franchise, or employment
relationship among Touchstone Energy, any Co-op and Business. Neither Touchstone Energy nor any Co-op
will be liable for your products or services or for any inaccuracy in your marketing materials. All Cards are
the property of Touchstone Energy, and any unauthorized reproduction or misrepresentation of the Card is
strictly prohibited. Your marketing materials and advertisements will not use the name, trademark, or other