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Apprenticeship Application
Chef Apprenticeship Program at El Centro College
Last Name _____________________________ First Name ________________________ Initial _______
Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________ State _________ Zip ____________ Phone ________________
Email _______________________________________________ El Centro Student ID # ______________
High School Name _____________________________________ City/State ______________ Year _____
List any schools, colleges or universities attended since leaving high school.
Name of Institution City/State Attendance Dates Degree or Certificate
Name of Institution City/State Attendance Dates Degree or Certificate
Did you participate in any clubs, organizations or other activities that may be pertinent to the committee?
Career Objective
What are your plans/goals upon completion of this program? ___________________________________

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda