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Biography and Artist Statement
Jennaca Leigh Davies
81 Oak Tree Drive
North Kingstown, RI 02852
401.862.5272 cell
a r t i s t b i o g r a p h y
In September 2007, Jennaca launced her own design company, Jennaca Davies Studio. She
received her masters degree from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2007 and since
graduation has continued her exploration with new technologies such as laser cutting, waterjet
cutting, and cad cam. She also employs traditional metalsmithing techniques such as enameling
and fabrication. Jennaca’s work had been exhibited at the Talente 2007 exhibition as part of
the International Handwerksmesse in Munich, Germany. She has received numerous awards
including the Hayward Prize for Fine Arts from the American Austrian Foundation , the
MJSA Scholarship 2005 and 2006 through the Rhode Island Foundation, and recently spent a
semester as an artist in residence at the Oregon College of Art and Craft.Jennaca received
Bachelor of Architecture and Bachelor of Building Science degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute and continues to practice architecture part time.
I work with elements to create structure, shape, pattern, and form. I am fascinated with
nature’s mysterious geometries, so often intrinsically mathematical and logical in construction.
Inspirations for my designs come from many sources, often based on a shape of an object or
an architectural detail. I work compulsively; beginning by modeling and trying to combine
elements in innovative ways. e forms are created through these model investigations and
fabricated into their final organized arrangements.
e work I make is meant to be worn, but I also intend for it to be an interesting object when
off the body. I think of my jewelry as small sculptures or miniature architecture, and the body,
as my canvas. e pieces are thoroughly considered in terms of their weight and location when
worn. I believe jewelry should be precise in its craftsmanship and an object of desire. Color,
texture, and combinations of materials appear throughout my work. A simple clear idea or
moment of inspiration guides me. My attention for detail allows me to articulate my design
ideas clearly.
e materials I choose include, but are not limited to precious metals, paper, and plastics. I
select a material for its tactile quality and ability to suit the purpose of what I am making.
Inexpensive materials are made precious through their care and consideration, and no material
is thought to be more valuable than another. I have been exploring new technologies such as
laser cutting and cad cam, coupled with ancient metalsmithing techniques including enameling
and metal fabrication. I strive to create objects which entice the viewer to explore them further.
It is my desire to create jewelry that is both formally elegant and playful at the same time. I hope
to encourage investigation, requiring the viewer to study the geometries and components that
make up each piece.
a r t i s t s t a t e m e n t

Business in a combination of War and sport. | Andre Maurois