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February President’s Newsletter
Congratulations right away to the winners of our January tournaments. In The
Presidents Cup: C-Flight Bill Kinnish, B-Flight Merv Brandt and back to back A-
Flight winner Duane Barringer. In the Couples Tournament: Gross score winners
were Alan and Marlene Baldwin and the Net scores winners were Ed Barnhart and
Sandy Stratton. And finally in the SCGA Partner Best Ball Qualifier: first place in
Blue Flight went to partners Duane Barringer and Alan Barroll while first place in
Gold Flight went to Bruce McGraw and Mike Doyle. Hats off to all of you. As usual
check the website for all other place winners. The Club Championship is coming
up on February 22
so get your entry forms in to Tournament Chairman Ed
Warman (ed[email protected]) ASAP. A note here regarding our 2017
President’s Cup; it will be moved one week later in January to give all of those out
of town for the Holidays a better chance to participate.
We have a couple of new features starting this month which will hopefully make it
easier to become acquainted with and to communicate with our fellow members.
First, Vice President Neil Cortesi has started a mentoring program to help our
newest members learn what the club is all about. A Board Member will be
assigned to each new member and will meet them on the range and partner with
them in their first round. Secondly, as you know, Joe Rutherford has created a
password protected area on the website for our roster while Ray Dorfman has
been taking responses from members regarding any changes in their information.
This roster will contain the name, Trilogy address, email address and phone
number of each member unless they have requested certain information to be
withheld. I will be sending the password to all members in a day or two.
Remember, this information is for golf and social purposes only and not to be
used for any commercial endeavors.
Lastly let me say a few words about tee choice; the issue that never goes away. I
believe it never goes away because the tees a golfer chooses to play are indicative
of the evolution of that golfers game. We want to be tested. We want our games
to be fair. We want to enjoy the game. The conundrum arises because none of us

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi