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Part V Equipment Maintenance Log for 3
Generation Perc Dry Cleaning Machines
Form 232-4 (1/2017) Page 1 of 1
Record the date of maintenance of any air cleaning component or exhaust system, such as:
REGENERATION of the carbon in a carbon adsorber
REPLACEMENT of the carbon in the carbon adsorber
maintenance of drying sensors
REPLACEMENT of carbon cartridges in the Perc-contaminated Wastewater Treatment Unit
(if used); record DATE of replacement; record the amount of activated carbon in the adsorber
(dry weight in pounds) in the ANotes@ column.
other machine maintenance activities
In the ANotes@ column also RECORD THE NUMBER OF LOADS between each of the following
REGENERATION of the carbon in a carbon adsorber;
cleaning and replacement of lint filters and carbon adsorber pre-filters;
repair or replacement of exhaust fans.
Failure to complete this form is a violation of 6NYCRR Part 232 and could result in enforcement
action, including monetary penalties.
This form must be kept on-site for at least five (5) years.

Once you free yourself from the need for perfect acceptance, it’s a lot easier to launch work that matters. | Seth Godin