To: Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira
P.O. Belur Math, Howrah-711 202
From: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notice Inviting Quotation No. Hostel-Extn/Bldg/3
For Construction of 3
Storied (G+2) Building measuring about5880 sft. each floor (approx)
Sealed Quotations are invited from the eligible and resourceful Licensed Labour Contractors having sufficient
experience and equipments in execution of similar type of jobs as details herein under.
Description of Job (Item wise)
EARTH WORK: (Labour Charges only)
Up to 2.5 mtr. depth from the Ground level or as per specification, Filling
work by excavated earth and Silver sand, dressing etc. and removal of
excavated earth up to 10 mtr. from the work place including pumping out
of the seepage water from the trench if any.
CONSTRUCTION WORK: (Labour Charges only)
Colum Structured three storied Building including Brick work, in-side
out-side Plaster, Stair case, Parapet, necessary Foundation work,
shuttering, Rod binding, casting etc. with complete finish as specified in
structural drawing including Shuttering materials such as bamboo, Ply-
woods, Bolleys, Nails, Binding wires, Plastic sheet.
(RMC of ‘LAFARGE’ / ‘ACC’ will be provided only for Roof casting.)
Construction of Safety Chambers complete finish.
Last date for submission of Quotation: 04/09/2015.
Date & time of opening of Quotations: 04/09/2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the office of the Principal.
Successful Quotationer shall have to deposit ` 50,000/- by A/c payee Cheque in favour of Ramakrishna Mission
90% payment will be made after satisfactory completion of the work (for each Stage i.e. Earth Work, Structural
Work up to GF Roof casting, Structural Work up to 1
. Floor Roof casting, Structural Work up to 2
. floor Roof
casting, Brick work Ground floor, Brick work 1
. Floor, Brick work 2
. Floor, Plastering work Ground floor,
Plastering work 1
. Floor, Plastering work 2
. Floor, Out-side Plaster Ground floor, Out-side Plaster 1
. floor,
Out-side Plaster 2
. floor,) and 10% of all the stages will be kept as a security and will be paid after getting the
completion Certificate from the supervising Engineer as per contract norms.
Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason thereof
and is not bound to accept the lowest quotation.
Signature of the Contractor