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2013 - 2014
PROJECT: To Furnish and Deliver Student Agenda Planners to Coventry Public Schools
Sealed proposals will be received in the Central Office for Coventry Public Schools until 1:45pm on
Friday, May 17, 2013 via mail or in person at:
Coventry Public Schools
Central Administration Bldg
1675 Flat River Road
Coventry, RI 02816
Attn: Sharon Kitchin, Assistant Director of Administration and Finance
Bids will be publicly opened at 2:15pm on Friday, May 17, 2013 at 1675 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI
Any bids received after the time and date specified will not considered. Specifications required for these
items are enclosed herewith.
Proposals shall be made on the items as listed in the "Schedule of Proposals". Prices quoted shall be
guaranteed for a period of ninety (90) days after the date of the proposal and must include layout and
design costs.
Proposals shall be submitted on forms included and provided by Coventry Public Schools and shall be
completed in full. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and must be plainly marked: "SEALED
BID STUDENT AGENDA PLANNERS.” Coventry Public Schools reserves the right to reject any or all bids,
to waive minor informalities in any bid, or to award the bid in the best interest of Coventry Public
Schools. Coventry Public Schools will award the bid(s) placed upon a number of factors not strictly on
the lower cost.
Should the bidder find any discrepancies in, or omission from, any of the documents or be in doubt as to
their meaning, he shall advise the Coventry Public Schools who will issue necessary clarifications to all
prospective bidders by means of addenda as may be appropriate.
Quantities shown are reasonable estimates. Coventry Public Schools reserves the right to adjust
quantities in its best interest at the time of contract award without a change in unit prices quoted.

Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching. | George Van Valkenburg