HTML Preview Management Staff Meeting Agenda page number 1.

Staff Meetings
Associated Policies: Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
Condition of Employment
Staff Orientation
Professional Childcare Standard 2012 (Multiple Business
Legislation: Education and Care Services National Law 2010
Education and Care Services National Regulations
Equal Employment Opportunity Act & Guidelines
National Quality Standards: - Standard 7.1 - Effective
leadership promotes a positive organisational culture and
builds a professional learning community.
Location/Ownership: POLICY MANUAL - STAFFING
Original: 4/3/2006
Reviewed: 10/6/14
Next Review Due: 10/6/17
All educators and staff are required to attend staff meetings. These are held outside normal
working hours at the Centre.
Philosophy - All educators/ staff maintain up to date knowledge of issues as they arise at
the Childcare Centre and are given the opportunity to participate in planning
and provide feedback.
Children’s needs - To be cared for in a service that is organised, using up to date knowledge and a
united approach to planning and the Centre’s daily business.
Parents needs - To be assured that the Centre, the team and the daily business is managed in
an organised, informed and united approach.
Staff needs - To have the opportunity to participate in planning, OHS, keeping up with
current information and the general daily business of the Centre by attending
regular staff meetings.
Management needs - To provide opportunity for staff / educators to participate in OHS, planning
and the daily business of the Centre, and to ensure staff/ educators are kept
up to date with current information / legislation.
1. The purpose of staff meetings:
To communicate and discuss the decisions of the Committee of Management with
regard to the operation of the Centre;
To facilitate evaluation of the service and cooperative planning;
To provide personal support and opportunities for staff development;
To provide opportunities for staff to discuss any areas of concern relating to children,
staff, the Centre or management;

People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. | Seth Godin