REC Power Distribution Company Limited
1 | P a g e
Request for Proposal
(Invited through e-Tendering mode only)
(Limited to agencies as per list enclosed in “Annexure IV”)
Selection of Social Media Agency
No. RECPDCL/Tender/Social Media/2015-16/2047 Dated: 16.10.15
REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(A wholly owned subsidiary of REC, a ‘Navratna CPSE’
Under the Ministry of Power, Govt of India)
CIN no of RECPDCL-U40101DL2007GOI165779
Corporate office
1016-1023, Devika Tower, Nehru Place,
New Delhi-110019
Telefax: 011-44128768
Website: www.recpdcl.in
Description of task, e-tender submission format and procedure is provided in the Financial Bid
document available on RECPDCL website (www.recpdcl.in), REC website (www.recindia.com), e-
tendering website (www.tenderwizard.com/REC), (www.eprocure.gov.in)
Important Dates for E‐ Bid mode
Last date of queries/ seeking Clarification
23.10.2015 up to 10:45 Hours
23.10.2015 at 11:00 Hours
Last date of submission of Bid
2.11.2015 up to 15:30 Hours
Date of Opening of Technical Bid
Date of Presentation & Opening of Financial Bid
Online registration shall be done on e-tendering website i.e. www.tenderwizard.com/REC & in
general, activation of registration may takes 24 hours subject to the submission of all requisite
documents required in the process.
(S.C. Garg)
Addl. C.E. O.
[This document is meant for the exclusive purpose of Agencies against this Bid and shall not be transferred,
reproduced or otherwise used for purposes other than that for which it is specifically issued.]