Budget Calendar (2016-2017 Fiscal Year)
January 23 City Council retreat/goal-setting
January 26 Goal-setting class management team
February 1 City Council review of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
February Finance Department updates historical information and worksheet.
March 16 Budget kick off meeting with departments
April 8 Combined Services, IT related and payroll related budget requests due.
April – June Analysis of revenue assumptions and forecast revenue for next fiscal year
May 2 Departmental operating budget requests due to Finance Department.
May 19 SEDC Board meeting to discuss Budget
May 29 Chief appraiser certifies estimate of taxable values.
May 30 Finance Department presents total budget requests to City Manager.
June 16 SEDC Preliminary draft Budget to SEDC Board
June 20 Public Hearing to allow early citizen input
June 21-23 City Manager reviews budget requests with departments and provides
preliminary direction regarding appropriate budget guidelines and strategy.
June 27 Revised budgets due to Finance Director from departments
June 30 Draft for presentation to City Council presented to City Manager
July 5 Council discussion of preliminary budget and multi-year projections; semi-
annual review of strategic plan
July 16 Budget Workshop for Departmental Budget Presentations
July 21 EDC Board meeting to discuss Budget
July 23 Budget Workshop—rescheduled from July 16
July 25 Certified values available from Appraisal Districts
August 1 City Council meeting—accept certified tax rolls
August 5 Calculation of Effective/Rollback Rates by Dallas County
August 10 Publication of Effective and Rollback rates and required schedules