CHAP Take Action - High Blood Sugar, Low Blood Sugar Page 1 of 12
Cass, Tiernan Revised 11/04
High Blood Sugar, Low Blood Sugar
Testing your blood sugar
· Check with your provider to see if and when he/she wants you to check
your blood sugar.
· Keep a record of your blood sugar numbers, the date and time of day.
Take the record (log) with you to every clinic visit.
· Ask your provider what the numbers should be.
· Ask your provider what to do if the numbers are high or low.
· Test your blood sugar, include a record of the food you eat and your activities
in the log, this will help you and your provider control your diabetes.
· A nurse can teach you how to use the glucometer.
Let‛s Check our Blood Sugar
Supplies you will need:
· Glucometer · Alcohol wipes or soap and water
· Test Strips · Lancets
How to test:
· Wash your hands.
· Place the test strip on table top or in the glucometer as directed
by instructions with your machine.
· Wipe your finger with an alcohol wipe or wash with soap and
· Stick your finger with the lancet.
· Squeeze your finger to get a drop of blood.
· Place the test strip in the center of the drop of blood that is on
your finger.
· Read and write down the number (blood sugar) in logbook.
This product was developed by the Galveston: Take Action project at the Galveston County Health District in Texas City, TX with support from the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation® in Princeton, NJ.