The USF College of Engineering Scholarship Program provides a broad spectrum of awards designed to recognize a
diverse range of applicant characteristics. Candidates may apply by completing the multipurpose College of Engineering
Scholarship application.
Priority Deadline
The College accepts applications on a continuous basis. Scholarship committees are scheduled to meet over a period of
several weeks. Meeting the priority deadline will ensure that your application is available when the earliest scholarship
committees convene. Applications that are received after the priority deadline will be considered for all scholarships
that have not been finalized at the time of submission.
General Information
Instructions: Complete all sections. The Overall GPA refers to the GPA for all college level work at USF and other
institutions. Be sure you have typed in the correct student ID. Prospective USF students will be assigned a USF ID upon
completion of a USF application for admission.
Current Address & Permanent Address
Instructions: Complete all sections. Please report address information changes after the submission of your application
to kjohnson@usf.edu
Academic Information
Instructions: Complete all sections. Report highest SAT or ACT scores obtained (optional for applicants with 60 credit hrs
of college course work completed)
The “Essay” Section
Instructions: Depending upon the question, your response may be as short as a sentence, one to two paragraphs, or a
list. Formal essay format is not required. Answers that are direct and concise are preferred. The scholarship committee
recognizes that applicants may not have had the opportunity to engage in activities related to one or more of the
scholarship application questions. Successful scholarship applicants provide substantive answers, but not necessarily to
every question. Topics contained in this section are described below. It is recommended that you compose answers to
the essay questions using a word processing program. You may then use “cut and paste” to transfer your responses to
the on-line scholarship application.
Describe your educational and/or career plans
Instructions: Discuss the ways in which your future engineering degree, and possibly your education thus far, relate to
your career plans and aspirations. Discuss plans to engage in engineering research or pursue a graduate or professional
degree if you intend to do so. All applicants should answer this question.
Describe any special honors or awards you have received in the last three years
Instructions: If this question does not apply to you proceed to the next question.
Induction to honor societies, making the Dean’s list, graduating from high school with honors, having been
selected for a competitive scholarship, other formal recognition of your accomplishments or abilities
Describe any engineering, science or mathematics projects you have worked on in the last three years
Instructions: If this does not apply to you briefly explain why you have not had this opportunity or proceed to the next
Projects related to math, science or engineering competitions
Participation in College of Engineering research initiatives (paid or volunteer)
Participation in internships here or elsewhere