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FamilyByDesign Co-Parenting Agreement Template
A Co-Parenting Agreement can be a wonderful tool for encouraging prospective and current co-
parents to have a detailed, meaningful, honest dialogue about their mutual desires, interests, and
goals as co-parents. It can also be a great tool for uncovering issues that the co-parents have not
even thought about!
FamilyByDesign strongly believes that you should not simply adopt a co-parenting agreement
that you may find online or receive from a friend – it is essential that the co-parents talk through
the many potential issues on their own and come up with their own unique, customized co-
parenting agreement. Nevertheless, a template for some of the items you may wish to discuss and
include in your agreement can be a very helpful starting point.
With this in mind, FamilyByDesign has crafted the following Co-Parenting Agreement Template
to help you get started. While we don’t provide the actual language for each of the sections to be
covered, we raise the main issues that you and your co-parent(s) should consider as you draft this
agreement for your personal situation. Some of these issues may not apply to your particular
situation and should not be included; conversely, you may have other unique issues not listed
here that you may wish to include in your Co-Parenting Agreement. We are providing this
template for informational purposes only and it is not to be construed as advice for your
particular circumstances.
We hope you find this Co-Parenting Agreement Template useful!
Best Wishes,
The FamilyByDesign Team
Basic Information including party names and date of Agreement. You may wish to
consider language along the lines of: “This Co-Parenting Agreement (“Agreement”) is made this
___ day of [Month], [Year], by and between [Party 1 Name] and [Party 2 Name] [followed by
additional names if applicable], hereafter referred to as the "Parties".”

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. | Vidal Sassoon