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Policies of the University of North Texas
Chapter 5
Human Resources
05.054 Time Off for Voting
Policy Statement. To provide faculty and staff members a reasonable period of time off during
the regular work day for voting on an official election day.
Application of Policy. All Faculty and Staff
Definitions. None
Procedures and Responsibilities.
Employees are expected to use early voting before or after working hours or on weekends prior
to election day or to vote before or after working hours on election day.** However, in unusual
circumstances, when it is not possible for an employee to vote before or after his/her regular
working hours, it is the policy of the University to grant a reasonable period of time off during
the regular work day for voting on an official election day. This time should be reported as time
worked and is not charged against vacation leave, comp time or salary. The employee shall
provide a signed statement, to be maintained with their monthly leave records for the applicable
month, indicating the specific circumstances which require them to request time off for voting
during the work day.
Responsible Party: Employees, supervisors
References and Cross-References.
Sec. 276.004, Texas Election Code, Sec. 661.914., Texas Government Code.
** NOTE: An employee should be able to vote after working hours if the polls are open for voting
for at least two consecutive hours outside of the employee’s work schedule.
Approved: 5/1/1993
Revised: 8/95*; 9/99*; 9/01; 11/05*
*Reviewed with no change
5/2011 format only

Victory goes to the player who makes the next–to–last mistake. | Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower