HTML Preview Allonge Mortgage Note Sample page number 1.

Version 12-09-26
1. Original Note is endorsed using an allonge and the endorsement must be to
Premier Home Mortgage, Inc.
2. White-out (or any other form of cover-up) on Original Note is NOT ACCEPTABLE
3. Any corrections made to the Original Note must be initialed by the borrower.
4. A stamp signature on the Original Allonge is not acceptable. A POA is not acceptable.
5. If borrower(s) happen to sign in wrong place on Note or twice on Note, the second
signature must be voided and initialed.
6. Allonge to Note must contain the following criteria:
a. Note Date
b. Borrower(s) names exactly as they appear on the Note
c. Property Address exactly as it appears on the Note
d. Loan Number exactly as shown on the the Note
e. Loan Amount exactly as shown on the Note
f. The Note Endorsement, exactly as required by PHM: Pay to the Order of Premier
Home Mortgage, Inc., Without Recourse
g. Your company name (must match page 1 of Note exactly)
h. Signed by authorized signor from your company (POA is not permitted)
i. Must include typed (or stamped) name and title of authorized signor
7. If the Note is part of a Third Party Transaction, an Allonge followed by another
Allonge should be used.
Important Notes:
If any of these items are not met, you will be required to provide new documentation by
rnight service to the Yorkville Office
1925 South Bridge Street– Yorkville, IL 60560.
Notification for any Note Deficiencies are sent via email to you and your account executive.
Attached please find a sample of a Note and Allonge to Note.
PHM Quick Reference for an Original
Note and an Allonge to Note

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