HTML Preview Student Performance page number 1.

Division of Student Affairs
Sacramento State
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Lassen Hall 1006
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6044
Student Performance Report
I. Student Name:
Student Job Title (if applicable):
Department and/or Work Location:
Dates of Rating Period: From: To:
Does this report coincide with a particular event, such as end of semester or end of employment? Yes / No
If so, please specify:
Brief description of job duties and expectations (attach job description):
II. Please evaluate the student based on each criterion listed below. Examples of each criterion are provided for illustration purposes.
Check by the appropriate number to correspond with the following rating system:
1) Unacceptable*--Performance is inadequate. Employee has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to improve or meet expectations.
Performance is not acceptable.
2) Improvement Needed*--Inconsistent performance and/or regular performance falls short of expectations.
3) Satisfactory--Meets all normal requirements of the position in a competent manner.
4) Above Average--Consistently competent performance exceeding normal standards in all critical factors for the position.
5) Outstanding--Total performance consistently exceeds normal standards for the position.
*Any rating of 1 or 2 should be explained. Use Section IV, “Additional Comments,” below. For any 1 or 2 rating, work with the student on a corrective
action plan and schedule a follow-up review in 90 days.
Criterion 1: General Professionalism
Examples: attire, punctuality, attendance, personal self-care, condition of work space, uses office resources appropriately, understands and follows
office safety protocol, etc.
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Criterion 2: Appropriate Use of Technology
Examples: personal technology, computer and Internet, office phone, fax, etc.
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Criterion 3: Attitude
Examples: attentive, engaged, receptive to constructive criticism, open to a variety of assignments, asks for clarification when needed, takes initiative,
and so forth.
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The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. | John Naisbitt