HTML Preview Church Visitor Sign In Sheet page number 1.

*Please enjoy this complementary visit to the Recreation Place. If you enjoy your visit
with us, please sign up for a membership in order to continue using the facility. Thanks!
Visitor Sign-In Sheet
*All visitors must show a valid picture id.
Drivers license or student id is acceptable. One FREE Visit per person.
Liability Waver (please read and sign)
I, the undersigned registrant, or parent/guardian of registrant, for use of the Recreation Place of Christ-
Church Presbyterian, Dalton, GA, do hereby release and discharge ChristChurch Presbyterian and its authorized
representatives, volunteers, and staff from all liability of any kind and character upon any claim, demand, or
course of action which might be asserted on behalf of myself, any children 16 years of age, or any guest against
the church, staff, representatives, or volunteers. Furthermore, in case of an accident or medical emergency, if the
staff, representatives, or volunteers are unable to contact the parent(s)/guardian(s), I hereby grant permission to the
staff, representatives, or volunteers to administer necessary first aid, and/or to arrange transportation to the nearest
medical facility or treatment.
I understand that before beginning any exercise program, I should consult with a physician. In addition, if
I am on a medically supervised exercise program, I will clear my use of the Recreation Place of ChristChurch
Presbyterian, Dalton, GA with my supervisor. I agree to obey all the policies and procedures of the Recreation
Place of ChristChurch Presbyterian, Dalton, GA, to keep the facility clean, and to promote a Christian atmosphere.
________________________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Visitor Date
Member Information
First Middle Last
Address Apt/Unit# City State Zip
Date of Birth
Home Phone Cell Phone
Individual Family
6 month $40.00 $70.00
12 month $65.00 $120.00

Once you free yourself from the need for perfect acceptance, it’s a lot easier to launch work that matters. | Seth Godin