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Audit Committee Page 1 February 14, 2017
Day: Tuesday
Date: February 14, 2017
Time: Beginning at 3:00 pm
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comments and Discussion:
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the
authority of, the Carson City Audit Committee. In order for members of the public to participate in the
Committee’s consideration of an agenda item, the Committee strongly encourages members of the
public to comment on an agenda item during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised
under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon
which action may be taken.
4. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes November 16, 2016
5. For Possible Action: Adoption of Agenda
6. Meeting Items
6.A For Discussion Only: Discussion regarding audit findings from the June 30, 2016
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). (Nancy Paulson, [email protected])
Staff Summary: City staff and a representative from Eide Bailly, the City’s external auditor,
will be discussing the audit findings from the June 30, 2016 CAFR and the corrective actions
that have been taken.
6.B For Possible Action: Discussion, possible action, and direction to Staff regarding the
current Audit Work Program Update. (Nancy Paulson, [email protected])
Staff Summary: Representatives from Moss Adams and City staff will be discussing and
taking direction from the Audit Committee regarding the current work program.

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