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Keep these Notes (pages 1 to 2) for your information.
Profit and Loss Statement
Use this form if you are a sole trader (including a subcontractor) or a partner in a partnership who has:
• commenced new employment or a new business
• changed your level of business activity or income from self-employment.
Do not use this form if:
• your previous year's financial statements are indicative of the current business profitability
• you are a wage or salary earner, a pieceworker, or you have been advised by the Australian Government
Department of Human Services that you are in an employee/employer type relationship and you must
declare your gross income
• your business operates through a private company or trust.
Purpose of this form
Check that you have answered all the questions you need to answer, and that you have signed and dated
the form.
Return this form and all additional documents to one of our Service Centres or online within 14 days to
make sure you are paid your correct entitlement.
If you cannot return all the forms or documents within 14 days, contact us for extra time.
For more information on how to access Online Services or how to lodge documents online, go to
Returning your forms
If you have a hearing or
speech impairment
TTY service Freecall™ 1800 810 586. A TTY phone is required to use this service.
Interpreters and
If you need an interpreter or translation of any documents for our business, we can arrange this for you
free of charge.
For more information
Go to our website www.humanservices.gov.au or call us on 132 850 or visit one of our Service Centres.
To speak to us in languages other than English, call 131 202.
Note: Call charges apply – calls from mobile phones may be charged at a higher rate.
Filling in this form
• Please use black or blue pen.
• Mark boxes like this
with a or .
• Where you see a box like this
Go to 5
skip to the question number shown. You do not need to answer
the questions in between.
Definition of a partner
For the Department of Human Services purposes a person is considered to be your partner if you and the
person are living together, or usually live together, and are:
• married, or
• in a registered relationship (opposite-sex or same-sex), or
• in a de facto relationship (opposite-sex or same-sex).
We consider a person to be in a de facto relationship from the time they commence living with another person
as a member of a couple.
We recognise all couples, opposite-sex and same-sex.