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Ohio State Study Abroad students are required to obtain departmental approval for all courses taken during a
study abroad program. In most cases, students are encouraged to seek pre-approval of course credit prior to
studying abroad. Ohio State Study Abroad programs have been approved for graded credit and not “K”
(transfer) credit.
In order to evaluate courses from foreign institutions for students on official Ohio State Study Abroad programs:
1. Read over the course descriptions and/or syllabi that the student gives you. If insufficient
information is provided, please return the form to the student and inform them of what additional
information is needed.
2. Decide on the Ohio State equivalent course(s). Please assign a specific course #, not
“general” or “special” credit. The equivalent course must be an existing course in your
department at the time the student studied abroad. Also, take into account that the # of credit
hours a student will receive for the course is the same # of credit hours the course is offered at
Ohio State.
3. Mark down the Ohio State equivalent course(s) on the Study Abroad Credit Evaluation form,
sign and date.
4. You may want to keep a copy for your records.
Many departments have a ‘Study at a Foreign Institution’ course (697 on the quarter system, X797 on the
semester system) available and the Transfer Credit Coordinator can choose this option when presented with
limited information about a class or if there is no closer equivalent of an Ohio State course.
Upon the student’s return from the overseas institution and receipt of an official transcript, the sponsoring
college’s Study Abroad Liaison will review the credit equivalencies on this sheet to confirm that the student
completed the same courses that were evaluated previously by your department. If they are the same, the
sponsoring college’s Study Abroad Liaison will notify the Office of the Registrar of the final results. If the
student ultimately enrolls in a course, which has not been evaluated by you, or has additional information about
a course, s/he will return to you to have it reviewed.
After completing this form you may send it electronically to Tony Valle (val[email protected]), Study
Abroad Liaison for the College of Arts and Sciences. If the form is sent electronically, it must come
from the Ohio State email address of the Transfer Credit Coordinator. Alternatively, the student may
submit a signed hard copy to 100 Denney Hall, 164 W Seventeenth Avenue.
Credit Evaluation Form

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