Sample Selection Interview Agenda/Script
1. Welcome the interviewee, allow them a few moments to get settled in their seat
2. Introduce the Selection Committee Members: names & positions/departments
3. Explain the agenda:
a. We will be asking you some questions designed to help us to understand your
skills, competencies and experience as it relates to this role
b. We will allow you some time to ask us any questions that you may have about the
role, the department and/or the University
4. Discuss Interview Questions:
a. The types of questions that we will be asking will require some recollection and
therefore may require you to take a few moments prior to answering to organize
your thoughts – please feel free to do that and to take your time.
b. We will be asking the same set of questions to all candidates to ensure a fair and
consistent interview and to ensure that we have all of the information we require to
accurately compare each applicant to qualifications and competencies required by
the position.
c. If you would like us to repeat or rephrase a question, or would like to skip a
question and come back to it at the end of the interview, please just let us know.
5. We will be taking a lot of Notes during the interview to make sure that we accurately
capture all of your answers, so please be assured that we are paying attention and don’t
let our lack of eye contact concern you or distract you.
6. If the candidate has not asked about the Next Steps in the interview process during the
time allotted for them to ask questions in the interview, explain what will happen next
and when, i.e. reference checks if they are successful, timelines for decisions, etc.
7. Ask for References if they are not provided in the application submission.
8. Thank the Candidate for their participation in the interview and for their interest in the
position and in the University.