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Sample Rhodes Scholarship Recommendation
September xx, 20xx
Letter of Recommendation for John Lerner for the Rhodes Scholarship
It is with pleasure that I recommend to you John Lerner for the Rhodes Scholarship. Although I have
known Mr. Lerner for a relatively short time, I feel that I have come to know him quite well through the
work he has done on a variety of projects that originate in my office of Undergraduate Studies. In
particular, I have seen him in his capacity as President of the Liberal Arts Undergraduate Student
Council and in the organizational work he did with the Liberal Arts Career Fair. In addition, I have
spoken to a number of my staff members who have worked closely with Mr. Lerner and who have
nothing but the highest praise for him. All who know him consider him to be a remarkable young man
who combines a high level of intellect with outstanding leadership abilities.
Mr. Lerner’s intellect and hard work are clearly demonstrated by his perfect 4.0 grade point average.
Given the grading system here at Mythic University (where A-minuses are possible and the university-
wide average GPA is below a 2.6), receiving all “A” grades is in itself a great accomplishment. In Mr.
Lerner’s case, however, such a record reflects not only his dedication to his studies but also the depth of
his commitment. He is a reflective, analytical young man who readily accepts challenges. The fact that
he has already been chosen as a Teaching Assistant in a political science course demonstrates his
intelligence and his ability to work with others in a constructive and challenging manner. The faculty
members with whom I have spoken have nothing but praise for his abilities, his conscientiousness, and
his positive attitude towards everything he undertakes.
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of Mr. Lerner is his farming background and the fact that he
had managed to pay his own way to get an education. The work on his parents’ farm has given him a
perspective on hard work, ethics, and life that few students possess. In working with him, one
immediately senses that “his values are in the right place.” This background, in addition to his year in
Germany and his many co-curricular activities, have helped shape his intellect and his attitudes. He has
an amazing sense of responsibility, he interacts extremely well with his peers as well as with people in
authority, and he can always be counted upon to carry out tasks to their fullest.
In my contact with Mr. Lerner in his role as President of the Liberal Arts Student Council, I have
particularly noted his ability to delegate while always making absolutely certain that assigned
responsibilities are indeed fulfilled. He sees projects through to the end and he does not hesitate to take
on some of the more onerous tasks himself. This is one of the major reasons why he has gained my
respect and that of my staff members. He is insightful, he has excellent judgment, and he has the
humility not to set himself above others (even if, at times, this is, in fact, true). Everyone who has
worked with him not only likes him immensely but also respects him as a peer. Sometimes it is difficult
to remember that he is still a student rather than someone with a great deal more life experience.

Surviving a failure gives you more self–confidence. Failures are great learning tools… but they must be kept to a minimum. | Jeffrey Immelt