Finalize Budget (mid month)
2nd mtg. of the month: Meet with State Representatives, Senator
Meet with State Representatives, Senator
Notice all Town Committees/Commissions/Boards of terms expiring
Board Member Committee Assignments
PUBLIC HEARING for upcoming Fiscal Year Budget (RSA 675:7 - posting must be done in December)
Prepare for Deliberative Session
Declare Candidacy if seeking re-election (RSA 669:19-21; 652:20; 40:13, VII)
Quarterly Department Reports -
1st mtg. of the month: Community Development, DPW, Police
Posting of Proposed Budget, Default Budget, and Warrant Articles (RSA 675:3)
2nd mtg. of the month: Library, Recreation, Fire Rescue, Tax/Assessing
2nd mtg. of the month: Library, Recreation, Fire Rescue, Tax/Assessing
1st mtg. of the month: Community Development, DPW, Police
Quarterly Department Reports -
1st mtg. of the month: Community Development, DPW, Police
Town Boards/Committee/Commission Appointments
Quarterly Department Reports -
2nd mtg. of the month: Library, Recreation, Fire Rescue, Tax/Assessing
1st mtg. of the month: Community Development, DPW, Police
Postings for Public Hearings (end of month - RSA675:3, 7)
Acceptance of Petition Warrant Articles (RSA 33:8-a)
continue Budget Preparation
DRAFT Warrant Articles Prepared
Date of Public Hearing set
Strategic Planning Presentations begin
Strategic Planning Presentations continue
Board of Selectmen/Department Head Budget Discussions
Board of Selectmen/Department Head Budget Discussions
Quarterly Department Reports -
2nd mtg. of the month: Library, Recreation, Fire Rescue, Tax/Assessing