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2017 Homeschool Track Meet Schedule
May 23: 6:30pm Meet at Faris Field, Mandan
All those helping need to arrive at 6pm
All students need to arrive & sign-in at 6:15pm
*Concessions will be available
5-7 Year Olds 8-10 Year Olds
3-Legged Race 200 Meter Dash
Softball Throw Long Jump
50 Meter Dash Sack Race
Crab Walk Softball Throw
Sack Race 50 Meter Dash
Long Jump Crab Walk
100 Meter Dash 100 Meter Dash
These 2 groups are going to progress through the schedule together. When both
groups are finished with their event, they will move to the next one. (The 5-7 group
will not start the softball throw until the 8-10 group is done with the 200 meter
dash or vice versa). This means both groups should be starting the 100 meter dash
at the same time.
11 & up (Each runner picks 4 or less events)
Mile Run & Shot Put (These will start at the same time)
100 Meter Dash
High Jump
400 Meter Dash
Long Jump
Final Event
4 X 100 Meter Relay
*This will be open to all kids 8 & up

The first one gets the oyster the second gets the shell. | Andrew Carnegie