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Letter of Offer for Volunteer Manager position
April 1, 2010
Dear _____________________________,
Volunteer Yukon (VY) is pleased to offer you the Volunteer Manager position for which you recently applied.
Enclosed with this letter of offer is a copy of the job description.
Employment Start Date:
Should you accept this offer, your employment will begin on __________, 2010 and will end on ___________,
2010. Your contract may be renewed past __________, 2010.
Wages and Hours:
Your rate of pay will be ________ per hour and you will be required to work ______ hours per week.
Holiday & Vacation Entitlement:
You will be entitled to statutory holiday pay as well as accrued vacation pay, ____ days after your first day of
Group Health Coverage:
VY provides group health coverage through the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce (employer pays 80% of the cost,
employee pays 20% of the cost).
Accumulated Personal/Sick Leave:
Employees accumulate personal leave at a rate of______ hours of leave for every ______ hours worked, to a
maximum of ______ hours. Accumulated unused leave will NOT be paid out to the employee on termination.
It is the intention of VY to be flexible in the use of this leave. It can be used by an employee when s/he is sick;
for medical, dental, optometry, physiotherapy, or other health-related appointments during working hours, or to
accompany a child to an appointment. It can also be used on the occasion of the death of a family member.
All personal leave must be approved in advance, in writing, by the Executive Director, except when leave is used
when an employee is sick, in which case the employee must advise the Executive Director immediately.
If the Executive Director has reason to believe that personal leave is being abused, the employee may be asked to
provide confirmation that s/he was away for an approved purpose.
Notice of Termination Requested:
If you would like to terminate your employment prior to _____________, 2010, you are requested to give the
employer two weeks written notice.

Even if you are on the right track, You’ll get run over if you just sit there. | Will Rogers