Example Part Time CV with No Work Experience
Simon James
10 Downing Street, Subbington, Hampshire PO16 6ZZ
Mobile: 07777 123 123 E-mail: simonjames@mail.com
A Business and Management student with strong organisational ability; skilled at working closely with others
in a team environment and with a flexible approach to work. Currently looking for a part time role in retail or a
customer services environment.
2012 - 2015 University of Portsmouth
BSc (Hons) in Business and Management Studies
2006 - 2012 Stubbington High School
• A Levels: Mathematics (C) Business Studies (B) and English (C)
• GCSEs: 9 subjects A-D, including Mathematics and English
• Experience of liaising with younger students and teachers in my role as a mentor at Bingley High
School. Found different ways of explaining things to help Year 9 students with their Mathematics
• Presented project work both individually and as part of a team during my Business Studies A level.
This involved preparing PowerPoint slides, delivering a presentation to a varied audience and
producing a written report.
• Play football, helping and supporting the team to do their best by encouraging others even when
we are not playing well. Regularly attend training sessions help with coaching the junior team.
• Worked with a team of 4 students to produce a business plan for an assessed project. It wasn’t
always easy as two group members fell out during the project but I arranged for us to socialise one
evening after which we all got on a lot better.
• Several of the neighbours on our street at home regularly arrange for me to house-sit when they
are away, as they trust me to ensure the security and maintenance of their properties.
• 2009 - 2010 Captain of Bingley High School Football Team, developing my leadership skills and
kept my team focused and motivated.
• Enjoy playing and watching football, playing the guitar and swimming.
• Other interests include keeping up-to-date with current affairs and watching
business programmes on TV.
• References are available upon request.