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Sample Cover Letter for an Internship Position
1184 W. Main St.
Decatur, Illinois 62522
February, 1, 2015
Ms. Charlene Summers
Director of Programming
WKRP Radio
111 Broadcast Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 11111
Dear Ms. Summers:
“Get up and make it a great day, Millikin!” Every Monday morning has started for me and my
listeners with this phrase for the past few months. I use this phrase because I want to both
inspire listeners and myself to make the most of the day. Radio broadcasting is a great medium
to connect with people and I have learned a lot being the host of my own radio show at WJMU
89.5. This experience has sparked my interest to continue to pursue opportunities in radio and I
would like to respectfully submit my application for the programming assistant internship
position at WKRP.
I know what goes on behind the scenes of a radio program is equally important as performing
on the air. If given the opportunity to work as the programming assistant intern, my
organizational and communication skills along with my ability to complete work tasks under
pressure would be an asset. Being an actively involved student has helped me to develop
strong time management skills. Balancing coursework with multiple jobs and student activities
has given me insight in identifying priorities as well as setting deadlines and sticking to them.
WKRP is a legendary station, and I would strive to uphold the tradition of great music and
commitment to the Cincinnati community. The “In the Studio at WKRP” program is a shining
example of your stations commitment to local artists and passion for new music. I share this
passion and would love to be able to support and contribute to WKRP’s continued success.
Please let me know if there is additional information I can provide. I plan on contacting you in
two weeks to check the status of my application.
Icanna Getajob
Icanna Getajob

Saying no to loud people gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities. | Seth Godin