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Sample Post Interview Thank You Letter
for Education
1320 S. Poplar, Apt. C
Oakdale, MN 45056
April 15, 200X
Dr. G. R. Smith, Personnel Director Downtown City Schools
P. O. Box 1000
St. Paul MN 55105
Dear Dr. Smith:
Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you during the Minnesota Education Fair. I enjoyed our
interview very much. The teaching opportunities and learning environment at XYZ Street High School
sound exciting and challenging. The position we discussed certainly seems to have many of the
features I am seeking as I begin my teaching career. Moreover, I am confident that I can make a
positive contribution to the school and community.
The application you gave me is enclosed. I have also filled out an on-line application with your district.
Of course, I would be happy to provide any additional information you may need.
Thank you again for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Very truly yours,
Tommy Teacher
Tommy Teacher

Successful people are the ones who are breaking the rules. | Seth Godin