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Jeanne Clery Act
The Jeanne Clery Act is a federal law that requires
colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual
information about campus crime and security policies. The Clery
Act was originally enacted by the Congress and signed into law by
President George Bush in 1990 as the Crime Awareness and
Campus Security Act of 1990. The name later was renamed in
honor of Jeanne Clery, a student murdered in 1986 at Lehigh
University. School have to publish an annual report every year by
October 1st that contains 3 years worth of campus crime statistics
and certain security policy statements including sexual assault
policies which assure basic victims’ rights, the law enforcement
authority of campus police and where students should go to report
crimes. Below are the most recent statistics for Troy University.
Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics
The Dean of Student Services on the Troy campus, in
conjunction with the other campuses prepares this report to comply
with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and
Crime Statistics Act. The full text of this report can be located on
our web site at You will
also be able to connect with our web site via the Troy University
Home Page at This report is prepared in
cooperation with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding
our Troy campus and alternate sites, Housing and Residence Life,
Judicial Affairs Officers from all campuses, and the Division of
Student Services. Each entity provides updated information on
their educational efforts and programs to comply with the Act.
Campus crime, arrest and referral statistics include
those reported to the Troy University Police Department,
designated campus officials (including but not limited to directors,
deans, department heads, residence life staff, judicial affairs,
advisors to students/ student organizations, athletic coaches), and
local law enforcement agencies. These statistics may also include
crimes that have occurred in private residences or businesses and is
not required by law. The Personal Counseling and SAVE Project
staff shall inform their clients of the procedures to report crime to
the University Police on a voluntary or confidential basis, should
they feel it is in the best interest of the client. A procedure is in
place to anonymously capture crime statistics disclosed
confidentially during such a session.
Each year, an e-mail notification is made to all enrolled
students, faculty and staff that provide the web site to access this
report. Copies of the report may also be obtained at the University
Police Department located in Hamil Hall or may also be obtained
in the Dean of Student Services office on all Alabama campuses.
All prospective employees shall be notified by email and through
the application process regarding crime statistics.
Timely Warnings
In the event that a situation arises, either on or off
campus, that, in the judgment of the Chief of University Police or
head of campus security, constitutes an ongoing or continuing
threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued. The
warning will be issued through the University e-mail system to
students, faculty, staff and the campus’ student newspaper, The
Depending on the particular circumstances of the crime,
especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to
the community and individuals, the police or security may also
post a notice on the University text messaging system (e2campus)
and the campus-wide electronic bulletin board located at This provides the university community with a more
immediate notification. In such instances, a copy of the notice is
posted in each residence hall, at the front door of each on-campus
fraternity and sorority house, and in prominent places on campus
where students may see the notice. The electronic bulletin board is
immediately accessible via computer by all faculty, staff and
students. Anyone with information warranting a timely warning
should report the circumstances to the University Police office or
Campus Security Office on their respective campus by contacting
the office by phone or in person at the number or location below.
Troy Campus
Hamil 1
Montgomery Campus
349 Whitley Hall
Dothan Campus
121 Malone Hall
Phenix City Campus
Bookstore Bldg.
Reporting of Criminal Offenses
Contact University Police/Security office at the
numbers above (non-emergencies) or dial 9-1-1 (emergency only)
to report a criminal offense. Any suspicious activity or person seen
in the parking lots or loitering around vehicles, inside buildings or
around the Residence Halls should be reported to the
police/security department. In addition you may report a crime to
the following offices:
Senior Vice Chancellor for
Student Services and
Bldg. 216
Campus Vice Chancellor
Whitley Hall 400
Campus Vice Chancellor
Everett Hall 204
6556 x220
Campus Vice Chancellor
(Phenix City)
Adams Hall
Dean of Student Services (Troy)
Trojan Center 231
Assoc. Dean of Student Services
Whitley Hall 431
Assoc. Dean of Student Services
Malone Hall 100
6556 x206
Director of Communication
(Phenix City)
Adams Hall 311
Counseling and Save Project
113 College Drive
Counseling and Career Services
Malone Hall 120
6556 x221
Housing and Residence Life
Shackelford Hall
Student Health Center
Hamil Hall 1
Annual Safety Report

Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled labor. | John Ciardi