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Vladimir Lechaness Curriculum Vitae
Golan str. 34 apt. 8, Alfe Menashe, 44851, Israel
Date of Birth
April 26, 1974
ID Number
3 0906942 5
Senior Electronic Engineer
R&D Project Manager
2011 Present
Watts & More is a Startup company that developed a new approach for energy harvesting for large scale
Photo Voltaic installations and Battery Management System for battery cell level optimizing solutions.
BMS Battery Management System design and development.
Battery cell level optimizing solutions development.
Photo voltaic optimizing Panel level electronic circuit's development.
Full support during LAYOUT process.
Managing and operating the subcontractors in mechanical design, plastics and cables manufacturing,
connector's production, editing and production of printed circuit boards, assemblies and integration.
Writing a work plan and gantt chat including tasks tracking, goals and objectives of the project, both in
business and technology terms.
System Design for the company's products including: Power Electronics, wired and wireless communications,
software and algorithms.
Discrete Power, Digital (Microprocessor, CPLD) electronics design and development, including the
development of low-power systems.
P-SPICE, LTspice complicated simulation.
Design verification testing and validation for both team members and for subcontractors.
Involved meetings with investors.
Managing transfer from development to production.
Writing technical documents.
Was in charge of technician.
Analog and Power electronics
2005 2011
Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. Supplies advanced communications systems and products for a wide
range of military and homeland security customers worldwide. Specializing in radio communications, and
leveraging Tadiran Communications' rich heritage, develop and supply solutions for voice, data and video
(multimedia) applications across a broad range of frequencies: HF, VHF, UHF.
Design and Development: DC-DC converters, Buck, SEPIC, Flyback for military tactical radio systems
(MIL-STD1275, MIL-STD461), very high-frequency DC/DC based on LTCC technology, battery chargers,
analog and digital control circuits, passive filters, special analog and high speed interfaces protection.
Micro Controller for power supplies development.
C and C++ real time programming.
Integration of the digital technology in Power Supply's loop control.
P-SPICE, LTspice simulation.
Building prototype models.
Power Management.
Experience and knowledge in the field of EMI / RFI.
Full project management from early stages of development until mass production.
Full support during LAYOUT process.
Defining Project and Final Test specifications.

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. | Debbi Fields