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European Investment Bank Curriculum Vitae Gerhard Hütz
1 September 2015 page 1 / 1
Curriculum Vitae
Gerhard HÜTZ
Director General and EIB Group Chief Compliance Officer
Compliance Directorate
This CV is based on information provided to the EIB by the person concerned.
Personal information:
Born 1958
Since 2012: Director General and EIB Group Chief Compliance Officer, EIB
2009 2012: Deputy General Counsel and Head of Department, Legal Directorate, EIB
2005 2009: Director, Legal Department-Operations, EIB
1999 2005: Head of Division, Legal Department–Operations, EIB
1992 1999: Counsel in Legal DepartmentOperations, EIB
1990 1992: In-house lawyer, Deutsche Bank AG
1988 1990: Assistant Professor, Ferununiversität Hagen, Germany
1990: PhD (summa cum laude), Faculty of Law, Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany
1988: 1
and 2
law degrees, Universities Münster and Bochum, OLG Hamm, Germany
1978 1980: Bank apprenticeship, Deutsche Bank AG
1990: Die Bankenaufsicht in der Bundesrepublick Deutschland und den USA. Ein
1992 2012 Several publications on EIB in EU Law Commentaries Grabitz/Hilf and Lenz
See also:

To the degree we’re not living our dreams; our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves. | Peter McWilliams