HTML Preview Meeting Briefing page number 1.

Member Networks
Member Network
Annual Members’ Meeting
Briefing Note
CIEEM West Midlands Section
Annual Members’ Meeting 2016
1. Convenors Report
A members’ survey last year indicated that people wanted a broad range of events, including site and field visits, a
CEcol workshop, a dormouse talk, and a presentation of the new EcIA guidelines. Various suggestions were made
for alternative event venues.
The list of events below shows that the Committee has really worked hard to respond to people’s requests with a
full programme of activities, for which I am very grateful.
We have also seen the Committee replenish itself. As people have moved away or on to new things, new
members have come forward to help, enabling us to run an active programme.
Section activities since last AGM:
Ordinary committee meeting - 13/01/2016
Ordinary committee meeting - 16/01/2016
EVENT: Chartered Ecologist the Application Process and the CIEEM Competency Framework, Birmingham
- 25 attendees - 18/01/2016
EVENT: Great Crested Newt Mitigation, Worcester - 10 attendees -22/02/2016
EVENT: Focusing on Dormice , Smite - 60 attendees - 25/02/2016
Ordinary committee meeting - 16/03/2016
EVENT: Proposed changes for EPS Licensing: your views, Smite - 16 attendees - 22/03/2016
EVENT: Fens Pools SAC invasive species, Dudley -18 attendees - 12/05/2016
Ordinary committee meeting - 23/05/2016
Ordinary committee meeting - 06/07/2016
EVENT: Peregrine Study Tour, Birmingham - 15 attendees - 18/07/2016
EVENT: White-clawed crayfish in the Wyre Forest -CANCELLED - 03/09/2016
Ordinary committee meeting - 16/09/2016
CONFERENCE: Ecology and the Historic Environment, Calke Abbey Nr. Derby - 58 attendees - 12/10/2016
Ordinary committee meeting - 02/11/2016
AMM: Smite 43 attendees - 08/11/2016

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. | David Brinkley