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Fact Sheet
Nursing Home Report Card
Nov. 22, 2016
This fact sheet answers many questions you
may have about the Minnesota Nursing Home
Report Card. The report card includes
information about the 366 nursing homes in the
state that are certified to participate in the
Medical Assistance (MA) program.
You can find the report card at:
Background and purpose of the
report card
What is the purpose of the nursing home
report card?
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)
and the Minnesota Department of Human
Services (DHS), collaborating with the
University of Minnesota, created the nursing
home report card to help you compare facilities
on eight quality measures:
Resident quality of life
Family satisfaction
Clinical quality indicators
State inspection results
Hours of direct care
Staff retention
Use of temporary nursing staff
Proportion of beds in single bedrooms
What are some helpful features of the nursing
home report card?
Daily prices of care, including private
pay charges for private rooms
Multiple ways to search for facilities
o By quality performance
o By city or Zip code
o On a map
Side-by-side facility displays
Four years of performance history
shown for each facility
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Please click the Questions and Feedback links
at the top of each page to ask questions or offer
suggestions about the report card.
Each nursing home can receive from one to
five stars on each quality measure. You can
view lists of facilities in the area of the state in
which you are seeking a home. You can also
sort your facility list by what quality
measure(s) are most important to you.
The Minnesota nursing home report card is
state of the art. It includes information that
consumers value, presented in a way is easy to
understand and that compares nursing homes
Is this the only information I need when
choosing a nursing home?
This report card alone should not be the only
information you use when choosing a home.
You should also visit the homes you are
considering, and talk with friends, family and
staff members of the facility before making a
final decision.
The report card also includes links to other
sources of information you may find helpful in
choosing a home.
How does the report card affect overall quality
in Minnesota’s nursing homes?
In addition to providing information to help
consumers choose a nursing home, the report
card is designed to promote a high standard of
quality as facilities strive to get the best scores
The state also works to improve nursing home
quality through regulatory activities and by
including incentives for quality improvement in
the MA payment system. The state does not

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