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SAMPLE Probationary Dismissal
Via [Hand Delivery OR Certified Mail No._________]
Dear [Mr./Ms. Last Name]:
The purpose of this letter is to advise you of my decision to dismiss you from your probationary
employment as a [classification] with the [agency/department name], for your [unsatisfactory
work performance and/or unacceptable conduct] during your probationary period. Although
the dismissal will not be effective until [date 15 calendar days from the date of the letter], I
am requiring your immediate separation from the workplace and you will be paid up to a
maximum of fifteen (15) calendar days’ severance pay instead of being given the opportunity to
work out the fifteen calendar day notice period. You do, however, still have the opportunity to
respond to the matters of this letter, provided you do so by close of business on [date - 15
calendar days from the date of the letter]. These actions are being taken in accordance with
subsections 10.1, 10.5, and 12.2 of the Administrative Rule of the West Virginia Division of
Personnel, W. VA. CODE R. §143-1-1 et seq. You will also be paid for all annual leave accrued
and unused as of your last working day. [Final wages must be paid within timeframes provided
in the Wage Payment and Collection Act.]
All property belonging to the State of West Virginia, which you have under your control or in
your personal possession, must be returned and delivered to the control of [name], [title],
immediately, or at a mutually agreed upon date, time, and location. Such property shall include,
but not be limited to: keys to any State offices, access cards, and identification cards. You are to
clear your office and desk of all personal effects by [time] today. You are not to enter the non-
public areas of the [agency/department name] offices without prior authorization from me or
an agent of my office.
On [date], [name], [title], held a discussion with you regarding the nature of your [misconduct,
unacceptable performance, etc.]. At that time it was shared with you that your dismissal from
employment was being considered. Your [response was/responses were…]. After reviewing
your response and having considered all the information made known to me, I have decided that
your dismissal is warranted.
Since the beginning of your employment, your supervisor, [name], [title], has shared [his/her]
concerns with you regarding your performance deficiencies. More recently, on [date], [name]
held a discussion with you regarding your continuing performance problems. At that time, it was
shared with you that you were not being recommended for permanent status and that it was being

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. | Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth