Defense Logistics Agency Instruction
DLAI 6608
Effective December 2, 2011
Modified April 5, 2012
Information Technology (IT) Requirements Analysis
References: Refer to Enclosure 1.
a. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) leadership requires a disciplined, streamlined, and
Enterprise-oriented approach for the life cycle management of the Agency’s IT investments. The
purpose of this DLA Instruction (DLAI) is to document the steps involved in translating new
functional requirements into Enterprise IT capabilities by conducting a rigorous analysis prior to
approval, implementation, and identification as an investment in the IT portfolio. It describes
mandatory and discretionary steps, and management controls for analyzing proposed IT
investments and requirements. An IT investment includes any system, support service, or
infrastructure solution capability funded or sustained by DLA Information Operations (J6). The
scope of this Instruction applies to requirements to be satisfied through the delivery of a new
capability. These capabilities may be in the form of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) or
Government Off- the-Shelf (GOTS) products regardless of the platform utilized (i.e., mainframe,
mid-tier, Web based, etc.). Further, the requirement may be Enterprise or local in nature.
Note: This Instruction is not intended to replace existing J6 system-level requirements
management processes that support enhancements or sustainment activities for contemporary or
legacy systems (e.g., System Change Requests, and infrastructure requirements). DLAI 6601,
Automated Information System (AIS) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Oversight/Guidance
Contemporary/Legacy Systems details the life cycle management of existing
(contemporary/legacy) systems. DLAI 6703, Life Cycle Management Oversight/Guidance
Emerging Systems details the life cycle management of new and emerging systems.
b. It is expected that once a functional proponent creates an IT Capability Request (ITCR) it
should take no more than 80 days to conduct the needed analysis, assemble an approval package
for the Chief Technical Officer (CTO), and obtain the CTO decision. Timeframes for the
expected duration of these core activities within this process (those activities that are consistent
among virtually all investments) are included at step 7 of Enclosure 4 of this document. Note
that in order to achieve these goals, support is needed from the functional proponent, IT site, and
Program Executive Officer (PEO) Plans Policy and Assessments (J621) communities. Any
requirement which exceeds these timeframes (whether individually or cumulatively) by 200
percent may be subject to closure.