HTML Preview Professional Business Associates Memo Format page number 1.

MEMORANDUM (use 16 point font for this heading)
TO: Tom Carlson, Julie Smith, Roger Meyer, Edna Renick
FROM: Harvey Rosen
DATE: September 9, 2003
SUBJECT: Mandatory Payroll Deductions
It has come to my attention that some employees believe that payroll deductions are optional.
Please share the following information with the employees in your respective departments. It
can be found on page 23 of our Personnel Manual.
Professional Business Associates is required by law to make certain deductions
from your paycheck each time one is prepared. Among these are your federal,
state, and local income taxes and your contribution to Social Security as required
by law. These deductions will be itemized on your check stub.
I’ve attached the Compensation section from our HR Manual for your reference. Highlights
from this section are listed below.
1. Direct Deposit
2. Payroll Deadlines
3. Making Changes to Tax Withholdings (W-4)
4. W-2 Form—by January 30th of each year, current and former employees are provided W-2
Form for income tax purposes
If any of your employees have questions, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to
address them on an individual basis. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Reference initials
Enclosure or Attachment (use whichever is appropriate, if any)
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